From the professional perspective of cybersecurity and adhering to the principles of science and objectivity, the China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance (CCIA) has compiled the report Mobile Cyberattacks Conducted by US Intelligence Agencies (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), which is based on the investigation and analysis results disclosed by global cybersecurity vendors, research institutions and scholars.
In 11 chapters, the Report thoroughly exposes how the US intelligence agencies relentlessly target global mobile smart terminals and communication systems to build comprehensive attack and penetration capabilities. They have penetrated every corner of network products such as SIM cards, firmware and operating systems, data interfaces such as USB cables, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular networks and GPS, the data centers of major Internet and IT vendors, and even the entire mobile industry ecosystem. They extensively steal personnel data, account credentials, device information, communication links, and geolocation data. These large-scale and long-term eavesdropping activities on global mobile smart terminals have seriously endangered the cybersecurity and national security of countries around the world.
《报告》英文版:《Mobile Cyberattacks Conducted by US Intelligence Agencies》
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